I let go of what I can't control

Full description:
Sometimes we feel we have the power to control all areas of our life. When something doesn't go the way we imagined, we do everything in our power to reverse the outcome and extinguish the frustration that comes along with it. We spend time ruminating on things – our health, our future, or the actions of others – that we don't have control over. Let's focus on what we can control: our reactions and behaviors.

Instead of allowing your anxiety to hold you back, choose to move forward and adapt in a world that is constantly changing. Resist your temptation to regain control and free yourself from unnecessary suffering. Let go of what you can't control and grow into the person you want to be in the present moment.

Perfect for those who:
• let a little bad weather ruin their day
• try to change the way someone feels
• need to get everyone out the door on time
• always want to make everyone happy
• need to stick to their 5 year plan
• hate sitting in traffic

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