Did You Know Oversharing Can Be a Sign of OCD?
• Emily Stetzer

Did You Know Oversharing Can Be a Sign of OCD?

Oversharing can be awkward, but did you know it might be more than just a quirk? It turns out that compulsive oversharing can actually be a sign of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder...

Did You Know Extreme Guilt Can Be a Sign of OCD?
• Emily Stetzer

Did You Know Extreme Guilt Can Be a Sign of OCD?

We all feel guilty from time to time, whether it’s for eating the last cookie or forgetting a friend’s birthday. But when guilt becomes extreme and persistent, it might be...

How to Use CBT Techniques to Manage Fall Stress
• Emily Stetzer

How to Use CBT Techniques to Manage Fall Stress

As September rolls around, many of us start to feel a shift in our mood and stress levels. For me, the arrival of fall has always brought a twinge of...

Experts Say You Probably Don’t Have “Cortisol Face,” but Are You Treating Anxiety with Band-Aid Solutions?
• Emily Stetzer

Experts Say You Probably Don’t Have “Cortisol Face,” but Are You Treating Anxiety with Band-Aid Solutions?

As two sisters who have ridden the rollercoaster of OCD and anxiety, we know how stress can mess with your body and mind. It's a wild ride, but it’s also...

5 Things You Should Know About Uncertainty
• Emily Stetzer

5 Things You Should Know About Uncertainty

Ever found yourself asking, "What if they don’t like me?" or "What if I can’t complete my project?" Maybe even worrying, "What if this freckle on my arm is something...

Ever wondered why therapy tools disappear in the face of anxiety? We did.
• Emily Stetzer

Ever wondered why therapy tools disappear in the face of anxiety? We did.

In our journey living with OCD and anxiety, my sister Lindsay and I have encountered countless challenges. Despite arming ourselves with an array of coping mechanisms and insightful tools from...

This is actual insanity.
• Emily Stetzer

This is actual insanity.

Social Media is great for many things. It’s great for spreading awareness about mental health. And it’s great for giving us a platform to show our true authentic selves. But...

OCD is not Obsessive Corgi Disorder
• Emily Stetzer

OCD is not Obsessive Corgi Disorder

A few, disturbing things (not Corgis 🙄) that I found on the internet inspired this post... I came across a company in Arizona called O.C.D.  No, this is not a company...

Did you know being super focused on your body can be a form of OCD?
• Emily Stetzer

Did you know being super focused on your body can be a form of OCD?

Over the past few days I’ve been hyper focused on my breath. “Am I short of breath? Is it safe to go to sleep? Do I need to go to...

My OCD & Health Anxiety Landed me in the Emergency Room
• Emily Stetzer

My OCD & Health Anxiety Landed me in the Emergency Room

It started Wednesday afternoon. I was in the middle of a Zoom interview when I noticed I was short of breath as I walked two ad executives through my career...

5 Things You Should Know About Avoidance Behavior
• Emily Stetzer

5 Things You Should Know About Avoidance Behavior

We're all guilty of avoiding things. But, sometimes, the best way to deal with something that we don't want to deal with is to, well... deal with it. In a healthy...

Are you a catastrophic thinker?
• Emily Stetzer

Are you a catastrophic thinker?

Ever catch yourself imagining the worst-case scenario before it even happens?   I always think of two major times in my life where I struggled with my OCD and anxiety...

Do you have OCD?
• Emily Stetzer

Do you have OCD?

Presently was born as a result of our experience with OCD & anxiety, and our desire to help those who are silently struggling. Though widespread in pop culture, before starting this endeavor,...

Take control of your anxiety with these six reminders
• Emily Stetzer

Take control of your anxiety with these six reminders

1. "Brave the uncomfortable" Anxiety is uncomfortable. We start to sweat, our chest tightens, and we suddenly feel the urge to run in the opposite direction. We try to find...

6 Things We Learned From Our First Viral TikTok
• Emily Stetzer

6 Things We Learned From Our First Viral TikTok

Last week we decided to try something new. We decided that we needed to show our authentic selves if we were going to get any attention at all for Presently....

You are strong enough to change your reaction to anxiety.
• Emily Stetzer

You are strong enough to change your reaction to anxiety.

With Presently, our goal is to change our culture's default reaction to anxiety. Instead of running away from it, we should try to face anxiety head on, and learn to...