• Emily Stetzer / 0 comments

How to Use CBT Techniques to Manage Fall Stress

As September rolls around, many of us start to feel a shift in our mood and stress levels. For me, the arrival of fall has always brought a twinge of anxiety. Just hearing "back-to-school" takes me back to my childhood, like that time in middle school when I clung desperately to my dad’s car door, not wanting to let go. This lingering anxiety about transitions can often resurface when the seasons change, and if you’re feeling similarly, you’re not alone.

Fall introduces a mix of excitement and stress. The return to school means new schedules and responsibilities, while cooler weather signifies the end of carefree summer days. These changes can be overwhelming, but Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) offers practical techniques to help manage the stress of this season. Here’s how you can use CBT to navigate fall.

How CBT Techniques Can Help

  1. Challenge Negative Thoughts: Fall can trigger worries about school, work, or the upcoming holidays. CBT encourages questioning these negative thoughts—are they based on facts or fears? Reframing these thoughts can help lessen their impact.

  2. Set Realistic Goals: With the start of fall, you might face new goals and expectations. CBT suggests setting achievable goals and breaking them into smaller, manageable steps to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

  3. Practice Mindfulness: As I’ve learned to manage my own fall anxiety, mindfulness can help you stay grounded amidst seasonal changes. Simple practices like deep breathing or guided meditation can ease stress.

  4. Develop Healthy Routines: The shift in routines with fall means it’s important to establish healthy habits. CBT recommends creating a balanced routine that includes relaxation, exercise, and enjoyable activities to stabilize your mood.

  5. Use Positive Reinforcement: Celebrate small successes and progress. CBT uses positive reinforcement to encourage behavior changes, so rewarding yourself for achievements can help maintain motivation and reduce stress.

The Best Reminders for Fall Stress

Presently® bracelets can be a supportive tool in managing fall stress. Here are three engraved reminders that can help:

  • "Brave the Uncomfortable": This reminder encourages you to face the discomfort of transitions with courage, helping you navigate the changes of the fall season with confidence.

  • "Embrace Uncertainty": As fall brings new routines and challenges, this phrase helps you accept and adapt to uncertainty, reducing anxiety about the unknown.

  • "It's Okay to Feel How I Feel": This reminder reinforces self-compassion, acknowledging that it’s okay to experience stress and emotions during this time of year.

These Presently® reminders can serve as daily cues to apply CBT techniques and stay focused on managing fall stress effectively.


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