• Emily Stetzer / 1 comment

Share Your Story

As human beings, we all struggle. With struggle comes a strong desire for connection with others. But, when our network of support is flooded with only moments of perfection, we start to feel more disconnected than ever. It’s only when those brave people share the imperfect, messy parts of life that we realize we are not in this world alone. We start to feel connected again.

With every thought, fear, and story we share, we add to a larger conversation around mental health and open up the gates for someone else to begin their journey toward nurturing a healthy mind.

To create this change, we have to be the example:

1. Write about your journey:
(At least 300 characters. Could be anything – your biggest fear, a struggle you overcame, an eye-opening experience, helpful advice, what brought you to the present moment… etc.)

2. Share your story in the comment section below!
(The more stories we accumulate, the more people we can reach and help feel a little less alone.) 

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Gordon Robertson


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